Pisces projects

Examples of Pisces projects
The following is a list of recent power- and water-related projects we have undertaken:

Hinkley Point power station, Severn Estuary, UK. Long-term monthly monitoring of catches of fish and crustaceans on cooling water intake screens. October 1980 - December 2019. Read our reports on Hinkley Point catches, and more information about the project.

Lake Michigan, Wisconsin, USA. Expert witness at planning hearing linked to siting of power plant on Lake Michigan. July 2003 - present.

Morro Bay, California. Expert witnessing on impacts of power plant operation and habitat restoration on a small estuary. 2003 - present.

Impacts of cooling water abstraction and other power plant issues, Hudson river, New York. Expert witness work on the effects of power generation on resident and migratory fish, and effectiveness of habitat restoration; work included numerous court appearances and issues conferences. 2000 to present.

Astoria repowering project, Manhattan. Expert witnessing for Natural Resources Defense Council on power plant water abstraction and discharge issues. 2002.

King William Reservoir, Charlottesville, Virginia. Expert witnessing on water abstraction and fish migration issues, Mattaponi River, Chesapeake Bay. Spring 2004.

Rizzo Associates: entrainment issues, Persian Gulf. We are providing expertise on entrainment issues for the construction of a large nuclear power plant in the United Arab Emirates.

EIA on flue gas desulphurisation (FGD) plants. Preparation of environmental statements for proposed FGD plants at power stations in Wales, England and Northern Ireland. May 2003 - March 2004.

Ongoing monitoring programs. Monitoring of water quality, fish impingement (including salmon/trout smolts), entrainment, and the causes and impacts of CW discharge foaming, at a number of UK power stations.

Intensive impingement studies. We completed 4 years of intensive 24-hour impingement samples at 2 UK nuclear power plants, in connection with the proposals for new-build nuclear stations, providing an unparalleled volume of data on fish impingement.

Entrainment. We have designed and commissioned a fully automated and computer-controlled entrainment sampler, capable of sampling up to 25 litres/second in hourly units over a 24-hour period. The sampler was used in evaluating fish egg, larvae and plankton entrainment in a UK nuclear station.

Biomass power generation. A large number of sites around the UK are being proposed for biomass-fuelled power stations; we have provided chapters on aquatic ecology for environmental impact assessments for 10 different sites.

Micro-generation. We have completed an environmental impact assessment for our client's successful application to abstract water for a micro-turbine.

For further details on how Pisces Conservation can help you, visit our main Consultancy website.